Field: History
Interests: Human rights studies
In Residence: April 1 – May 5, 2019
Dr. Rouzbeh Parsi holds a Ph.D. in history (2009) from Lund University on nationalism and intellectuals in Iran between the world wars. From 2009-2013, he was a senior research fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies in Paris, working on Iran and the Middle East, especially Iran's nuclear program. He has been a senior lecturer in human rights at the Department of History, Lund University since 2013, and is head of the Middle East and North Africa program at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. He is also director of the European Middle East Research Group. Dr. Parsi has worked extensively on analyzing the Iranian nuclear program, Iranian politics and Iran's relations with the European Union. His latest publication is "EU-Iran Relations: Building Bridges in Stormy Waters,” featured in Paolo Magri's & Annalisa Perteghella's (eds.) Post-Vote Iran: Giving Engagement a Chance (Italian Institute for International Political Studies, 2017). In May 2019, he chaired a public seminar: “Iran and Europe: Towards a New Transatlantic Paradigm?” It explored EU/Iran relations in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear agreement. He also visited as part of an all-day workshop hosted by the Center in October 2017 to present findings from the Iran Social Survey.