Mojtaba Mahdavi

Visiting Fellow


Mojtaba Mahdavi is a Professor of Political Science and the ECMC Chair in Islamic Studies at the University of Alberta, Canada. He is the editor of The Myth of Middle East Exceptionalism: Unfinished Social Movements (Syracuse, 2023); and co-editor of Rethinking China, the Middle East and Asia in a "Multiplex World"  (Leiden, 2022), and of Towards the Dignity of Difference: Neither ‘End of History’ nor ‘Clash of Civilizations’ (London, 2012). He is the guest editor of The Many Faces of Contemporary Post-Islamism in Journal of Religions (2021), and of Contemporary Social Movements in the Middle East and Beyond in the journal of Sociology of Islam (2014). His articles have appeared in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East; Iranian Studies; Middle East Journal; ReligionsReligious Studies and Theology; Review of Reading Religion; Sociology of Islam; and Studies in Religion, among others. Dr. Mahdavi is currently working on two book projects on Ali Shariati and Neo-Shariati Discourse; and a monograph on Problems and Prospects of Post-Islamist Democracy in Iran. A selected list of his publications is available at his website and his University of Alberta profile.